Friday, June 22, 2012

Princess Festival

  Going to the princess festival yesterday was probably one of my favorite parts of this year so far!!! I had never been before and it was adorable to see all the little girls dressed up in their princess attire! When we first got there the man in charge told me he wanted me to speak but instead Sydney and I ended up simply doing the macarena with everyone as you can see in the lovely photos! Its experiences like this that make this position so fun! The whole point of this festival is to celebrate being a princess- a happy, kind, serviceable, and loving princess. All the little girls were so sweet and it was fun to see them all in their tip top princess shape:)

Handing out candy!

delicious shake!

My friend Richard was Captain Hook!

The Festival featured the Osmond girls! They were fabulous!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Summer Fest Parade

  Saturday night was the Summer Fest parade! Of course, anyone who was there knows that the wind was INSANE. This parade was indeed an adventure because we were all so cold and windblown! but we had a blast anyways and made the best of it!

Springville Parade- First of many:)

   Saturday was filled with two parades! The first of the two was in Springville in the morning. The weather was spectacular and the people watching the parade were so fun! I indeed got a great first impression of what these parades are like!

I love my dear Kyla:)

Performing at the Summer Fest

 Friday evening was the Miss Orem royalty's opportunity to perform at the Summer Fest! I got to perform two songs. One on the piano and one on the guitar. As well as a duet with Amy- the same one we sang at the dinner. I loved performing:)

After we performed, we got to walk around to the booths!!! The pictures speak for themselves. SO FUN!

Summer Fest Dinner

     The night before Summer Fest officially began, a dinner was held with all the people who planned Summer Fest. It was a marvelous experience. There were awards given and delicious food was provided:) Amy and I got to perform which you can tell from the picture below. There were also amazing girls who came and clogged for us! Over all, it was a great night and I came to appreciate more of how much work goes into the Summer Fest.
Amy and I singing "Holding out for a Hero"

Asian Market

  I got to attend the ribbon cutting for the Asian Market in Provo a few weeks ago! I had a blast and they had free samples of egg rolls...YUM. and as you can see in the picture they had cake too, but I actually came by while school was going on so I got to multitask that day! But it was yet another great experience:)