Saturday, November 17, 2012

Veterans Day Program

 In 22 degree weather, a memorial service was held at the Orem cemetery. It was really a heartwarming experience and I loved every moment of it...minus the cold. American Servicemen blow my mind, what would we do without them. God Bless America.

I got to present the American Flag as they exchanged the old one for a new one. It was an honor to be the one to help.

Such an amazing speaker. Thank you for your service!

Mountain View's Student council was invited to come and help with the flag ceremony, only a few of us could come but we loved the experience of it all.
This was an opportunity to wear my crown, banner, and student council jacket. A way to multitask  I suppose:)

Freedom Assembly at Mountain View High School

 Miss Orem - Amy Tuttle, Miss Provo- Kaiti Purse, and I Sang a trio of "God Bless the USA" in the Mountain View freedom assembly on Nov 9th! I am actually in a club at Mountain View that was in charge of this assembly so I saw this as an opportunity for us 3 girls to perform together. It was so much fun showing out patriotism and dedication to the city. After we sang the song, we all got to speak for a moment about what we do around the city and what freedom means to us. It was an amazing experience.

"Proud to be an American."

Miss Utah Outstanding Teen!!

Getting Ready to go
 What an experience!!!!! LOVED IT.
my official bin of power.
 I don't have copies of the actual pageant yet, they are coming in the mail from an official photographer. I'll post them when i receive them! The whole experience was ideal!! I loved every second of it and I'm thankful I could be a part of it. 
The fabulous end result:)

I have the most supportive family ever!

My brother Kenny was my escort!

Love you MOM!

My boys:)

Autograph Party Saturday afternoon

All I ended up receiving:) Talent Preliminary award for Saturday afternoon as well as the Glen Harmon instrumentalist award. As well as 4th attendant in the royalty!! Two of these instrumentalist awards were given out one to me, and one to Jessica who won the pageant!

Congrats Jessica!!!

My best friend is awesome:)

Obviously exhausted at the end of it all, my siblings and I cuddled in the good luck blanket my mom made for me. She had everyone sign this quilt and I will love it forever!


I cannot believe time went by so fast and that I haven't posted anything about going to state!!
My send off was awesome, we held it just the week before I went to Miss Utah Oustanding Teen. September 28th was the exact date of it. We held it in Best in Music, a place where I've had many piano performances.
It was a busy busy night for everyone so I appreciate everyone who came and supported me! It was very helpful in preparing for State!

Shawn Mortensen was the emcee!  Thanks Shawn!
Romance by Jean Sibilius
I Love these girls! Kaiti and Amy
I have the best friends in the world:)
Evening Gown:)